Note: In order to find out the most up-to-date information about the membership and activities of the Medieval Studies Research Group, follow this link to our new website.
The Medieval Studies Research Group, led by Professor Louise Wilkinson, brings together academics with interdisciplinary interests both in the medieval period itself and in the later interpretation and representation of the medieval past. We have a strong relationship with the wider scholarly and professional community including Lincoln cathedral archives with whom we collaborate in our teaching and research. We foster academic links beyond the University of Lincoln through hosting external speakers; organising the annual Lincoln medieval lecture; hosting international conferences; and contributing to national and international research networks and projects. Our research focuses on medieval history (including Iberian history), medievalism, late antiquity, medieval elites and aristocracies, and medieval Lincoln and Lincolnshire.
This research group aims to:
- Support colleagues across disciplines in the production of high-quality, innovative research by using peer review to encourage publication of monographs, scholarly editions of texts and articles in internationally-recognised journals
- Develop the impact of our research by supporting opportunities to explain and use their research outside Higher Education to the widest possible range of audiences and user groups
- Increase our income from research activities by encouraging research grant bidding activity through collaborative projects, both within the group and with national and international partners, and encouraging inter-disciplinary research
- Increasing our participation in external research networks and collaborations to further enhance the group’s research profile
- Continue to develop links between staff research interests and our UG and PG taught portfolios with all research-active staff engaged in teaching
- Support the career progression of PGR students by integrating them into national and international research networks, and encouraging appropriate publication.

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